the power of “RE”

Welcome to my brand new blog, your best RE-venge! This is a journey I am excited to share with all of you to find what I call, the power of “RE” I was blessed to do exactly what fueled my passion for many, many years. I began as a dancer, became a choreographer, a director, a producer and finally entertainment executive. Then I began to feel disillusioned, began to feel disconnected and lost my passion! This blog is my journey to RE-claim my passion! As I was thinking of what I needed to do to get “back to one” (an entertainment term), a pattern developed. All the words that spoke to me began with “RE”! Reclaim, Reimagine, Reinvent, Rejoice, Relive, Reject, Revoke, Relax, Redesign, Remodel, Reengage, Represent, Reinterpret, Restrict, Restore, Reflect, Responsible, Revitalize, Remove, Repair, Resist, Respect, Reasonable, Resource, Reestablish, Reapply, Reconfirm, Re-inspire, Recreation, Reconcile, Redirect, Reconnect, Refresh…etc! You get the point. All of these words felt like they could lead me to a positive change in various areas of my busy life! This is the power of “RE”!

Along my journey I will highlight these words, these inspirations for change, as they speak to me or help me along my way. I would love for any of you to join me and share how the “power of RE” might speak to and inspire you to live a “kick ass life” and RE-imagine your future!