- connect back together:”surgeons had to reconnect tendons, nerves, and veins”
This is word is particularly impactful to me! I feel blessed to have made some really wonderful friendships over the years. The nature of my business led me to move around quite a bit and ultimately move to the opposite coast from where I grew up. As a result there are many friends that I just don’t get to see much anymore. We all grew up, got married, had families and jobs. Before you know it, life happens and our time and focus become limited to our immediate needs. In the last year I have made an effort to RE-connect with some of the amazing people in my life that I don’t get to see much anymore. I took a trip back to the East Coast and set up visits with a few of these ‘lifelong” friends. I am so incredibly happy I did this It took planning, effort and a little bit of money for the plane ticket but it was worth it’s weight in gold.
I had a “big girl” sleepover with my dear friend Trish in New Hope, Pa. Trish was my BFF right out of high school. I worked as a waitress at her Mom’s restaurant in Margate, NJ and became so close with this amazing family. We walked around Peddlers Village, had a great dinner and then just got to catch up and chat all night. Trish is one of the people that I may not see for years, but when we get in the same room, it’s as if time stood still. It was a joy to spend some one on one time with this amazing friend.
I also met up with my friend Leah in New York. Leah and I met performing in a show choreographed by the incomparable Ron Lewis. We became fast friends and shared much during our time working together as dancers. We got to spend an evening together, share a meal and talk, talk, talk! Another wonderful evening, RE-connecting with a friend that I had shared so much with.
I spent some time with my friend Susan in Connecticut. I met Susan on my first professional job as a dancer in Atlantic City. Susan was also a bridesmaid in my first wedding. She moved to Florida and I moved to Vegas. Life in different states, raising kids, following career paths all kept us from in person visits for many years. Catching up was fantastic and I’m so happy we got to do it!
I urge all of you to take the time and make the effort to reach out to people who have had a positive impact on your life that you just don’t get to see that often. I was lucky enough to be able to fly cross -country to visit, but it could be a phone call or a face time if you can’t get away. JUST DO IT! I felt so at ease, positive and blessed after these visits. They reminded me just how incredibly lucky I am and those visits went a long, long way to making me feel RE-juvenated and passionate about my life again!
I can’t wait to setup my next “friend visit tour”. RE-connect with those people in your life…you will not be sorry!
Me & Trish with a special gift from Hilde!